Yééééééé ! Except two or three « little » things (sorry Matjaz and Maja), I finished my personal project, youhou ! I'm so happy ! I didn't do a second shelf, but the « bridge » for the orchard that I spoke about in one of my previous wonderful articles !
Here the main steps of the work : → selecting and sanding the pieces of wood (the sanding was finally useless with the burning of the wood I think) → sanding the metal support of the bridge → painting the metal structure 3 times → protecting the wood against mouldiness → burning the wood with a kinda big torch gas who makes flames → screw the wood on the bridge I think what I prefered was the burning and the screwing ! I used tools I never used before this year and I'm quite proud : electric wood sander, electric metal sander, metal drill, gasoline generator. It took quite some time. I was late, so I did most of it the two or three last weeks (I'm not proud of it). It was sometimes a bit adventurous, when I walked to the orchard and work at night (which comes at 5 pm we know at this season) several times (because i didn't go earlier in my free days ; others times because we finished working at 4). I worked also in some daily afternoon and it was nice ! Anyway, the main conclusion of my personal project is that I feel stronger and having more manual skills ! So I'm very happy ! And the bridge look really nice, you'll have a photo soon !!! A.di.jo ♥
nb. subceptitles by me
nb 2. it's good to be susceptible. it saves the world. love. ![]()
Salut ma poule as-tu vu les quenouilles elles rentrent dans l'moule ah
les moldus sont moldaves ils rentrent dans les moules ils mangent des poules trois, quatre j'ai les idées mais pas les compétences je cours pas vite et pas dans le bon sens je supporte pas tous nos malentendus jte dis pas quoi faire je suis juste perdue désolée train interdit aux glaces et aux rollers blades better than the time of apartheid masque partout zad partout pas même combat ? Demande aux black blocks et tu comprendras On est galériens et on assume Respecte on t'demande rien c'est pas la lune Marche droit sans savoir le long d'la côte A croire qu'la Slovénie a la côte Le soleil illumine le ciel de nuit Mon sac à dos pèse plus lourd que ma vie Ouf ! Zuni na klopci pred bajto stojim, razmišlam kva pišm, zakva ne sedim, Kva reku bi peku bi seku bom zdj brez idej, ne se smej bruhi obrn pojej in poglej, kaj naredu si bedo, beton, bleknu kredo v glavo, s tem ožel vso zabavo, nad kravo, med dravo, ni zdravo, pa bravo, ti jebeš naravo. I don't often come to Slovenija But when I do during corona Mes amis d'ici sont mieux là-bas J'vais p't'être rester ici Je sais pas arbeiten will ich nicht dafuer hab' ich kein zeit weuuuuuh mensch, ich bin mensch ich bin kein schtrumpf, kein prototyp und kein falsch bier ist in mein blut fuer mich hab'ich zeit ich lese die zei-tung arbeit macht frei kein ist freizeit (and not « fahrzeit »)* weisskohl lieb' ich fressen erde ist rund, wie mein kopf superbetter denk' ich in der nacht berlin ist jetz krank ich gehe nach leipzig dort bin ich wieder fit denken ist kennen mit der welt spielen superman nicht oft muede zu viel gemuese ha Tavam v travi, Med plevelom. Slišim ČUJ, SERVUS, TI! Ni mi jako, Ni mi slabo. KARANTENA MI SMRDI. Lutam po parkir, Izmedžu kola. Čujem ''Kje si MODEEEEL?'' Ni mi jako, Meni je jače KARANTENA MI RIŠI NA DŽUBRE. Previous week we had online Mid-term evaluation training. That is training on which every volunteer on projects via ESC in Slovenia evaluate project until now and gets some tips how to get the most out of project till end of it. It was online due to corona reasons. And this word ONLINE is a problem for many nowadays. So it is for the organizers as for trainers, and that is why the timetable was a way more chill than schedule of On arrival training which I had offline/live. I think when we saw timetable we were all quite positively surprised with Tuesday which was kind a off day. It meant that we were able to organise something by our own or just to take care of our own and enjoy, relax, do what we love to without any pressure. So I checked a map of municipality of Domžale (where my home place is and where I was during time of training) and came up with an idea of discovering forest close by and check if there are hiding some mushrooms. As there was a lot of fog al the weekend the humidity level was nice and I could see a lot of smaller and bigger, younger and older, white, black, brown, red, orange, yellow, purple and all kind of sex organs of fungus kingdom. As I am not yet the professional mushroom gatherer I picked only the orange one that I know. In Slovenian they are called “sirovke”, saffron milkcap in English and Latin name is Lactarius deliciosus. They are a lot nowadays not really hiding with orange color under the pine trees. In Slovenia we have nice law about walking in nature and picking nature goods, so we can walk in every forest we want (if it is not forbidden on behalf of virgin forest) and one person can pick up to 2kg mushrooms per day or one mushroom that is whatever weight. As there were more mushrooms that we could eat with family for diner I surfed internet a bit and get nice recipe of making pickled ……….. Mushrooms need to be cleaned, sliced into pieces big enought to fit in the jars. Than put them in cold water and heat them up. Let them boil for 3 minutes. At the same time heat up the vinegar mixed with water in ratio two to three pieces of water and one piece of vinrgar. After mushrooms are cooked we stuff them in the jar, in between we add some whole pepper, Bay leaves, small onions or garlic. Than we close jars and cover them with cloth so they cool down slowly. And VOILA! we havedelicious pickled mushrooms super nice to serve with good bread, cheese and dry sausages or salami.
Bon appetit :) PS.: do not eat mushrooms for which you are not 100% sure they are the ones you know, it can end with not that nice Slovenian saying Pa je šel po gobe :/ Jarenina, 1.11.2020 My daily life and feelings mixed with the bitterness of Corona impact... (a part of my diary) So here we go again, autumn is here and as it was predicted, with more indoor activities there came more corona cases. What does it mean for me, less freedom? So the situation in Slovenia is not as strict as it was in spring, they divided our country in seven regions and we are not allowed to mix between, of course there are several exemptions but us volunteers don't fit in them. So for me it is quite hard, I'm from Slovenia and most of my social life is based in two regions. First one is the region Central Slovenia, where I was based in Ljubljana with my boyfriend for almost 4 years and the second one is Savinjska, where I grew up. I have my family there and friends. And I'm stuck in Jarenina... Like it or not I think it will be like this till the end of our Organic warriors project this year. And if I survived the spring quarantine I will have to survive this one. In spring the thing that kept me going was my wish to collect as much as possible herbs, so I was exploring nature and managed to collect quite a nice collection of teas that we enjoy now in the cold days and we use them also as medicine when we get sick. But as autumn came and all the herbs are slowly dying I started cooking in my free time. It reminds me of my mother's place, where it always smells like a five stars restaurant, it reminds me about me and Žiga and our cute little apartment in Ljubljana, where we cooked on rainy days fancy recipes and enjoyed the food. It reminds me about my friends, with whom I enjoyed life and food always with a big spoon and I can not forget my sister with whom shopping for food is more fun than anything in the world. So this weekend I spent almost 3 hours on Saturday in the kitchen, having fun with myself and I prepared a wonderful vegan autumn meal. I made a carrot-ginger-orange soup, autumn wanna be black beans falafel with sweet potato-aubergine and fennel + naan bread + tahini sauce + chopped vegetables and the best baked apples with a sweet vanilla-cinnamon-tofu filling. I wanted to put the recipes here, but i can not. Because I have no idea about the quantities, because my cooking is never about following recipes. It is more about the feeling and the smell but i ' m happy to share the recipe for the naan flatbreads, that i took from the internet : www.okusno.je Naan (I MADE IT VEGAN, YOU CAN USE NON VEGAN DIARY PRODUCTS) Ingredients: 200 g white wheat flour 1 small spoon of sugar 1 small spoon of yeast 1/4 small spoon of salt 1/2 small spoon of baking powder 1 spoon of oil 1 spoon of warm water 2 spoons of coconut yogurt/yogurt 2 spoons of oat milk/milk How to make it: 1. Mix dry yeast, warm water and sugar and let it rest for five min somewhere warm. 2. Put in a large mixing bowl flour, baking powder and salt and mix all together well. Then add all the wet ingredients. Knead good all together for 5 min, this step is very important. 3. Leave to rest for one hour or even more, the volume should increase 2 times. Then divide it in 4 or 6 pieces and make it flat. It should not be thicker then 1-2 cm. And heat the oven to 140 degrees. 4. Put the Naans on the baking pen (use baking paper or oil so the Naans will not stick to the pan). And bake them for 15 min, so they become slightly brown on top. 5. Serve them warm, they are the best like that. 6. <3 ENJOY/DOBER TEK Huraraches originates in copper canyon Mexico, same as running tribe Tarahumara, that live there for ages and their main way of transport is running. I first heard about them in book Born to run by Christopher McDougall. Now I wanted to start running again after my ankle recovered since last injury and I wanted to start running as pure as possible. Since November is too cold for me to run barefoot I remembered about those sandals. And by the way if you want to buy them they cost from 50 to 100+€, what is completely too much for poor volunteer. So I decided to make them myself. Things needed:
-old tire (originally) or any king of rubber we have, as thick as we want (I used car mat) -string -something to make nice holes in rubber. The proces is showed on pictures, and for those, who want to do them I share two links: https://www.instructables.com/Minimalist-Running-Sandals-Huaraches/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKo1bpJpG-4&fbclid=IwAR201lzEUbD_kz8tIvZ8ffB2Yg5chPmRbPKO6uP870B4PRE8-GB0fHXBlqs They are very cheap, easy to made, nice to wear, practical to pack and warmer than bare feet ;)
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